Create Demo Tournament

A maximum of 16 players can take part in a tournament. At least 2 players must take part.

Yes, a certain number of players is required for various game types and settings. For example, at least 4 players are required for the ‘Two vs. Two’ co-op mode.

Yes, the following rules must be followed:
  • At least 3 characters
  • Maximum 16 characters
  • No spaces allowed at the beginning or end
  • No special characters allowed

Enter player names

In a tournament, everyone normally plays for themselves. This corresponds to the “One vs One” co-op mode. The “Two vs Two” co-op mode supports what is known as couch co-op. This mode is supported by most sports simulations in arcade mode. This increases the fun of the game many times over. Two players always play against two in each round. In the end, however, there is only one winner of the entire tournament.

Two players compete against each other in each round, the home player and the guest player. A different tournament participant is assigned to each of them as a co-player. The assigned co-players change for each round. So everyone plays with everyone and against everyone. The co-players are calculated automatically.

Start a classic game in arcade mode for every single round in your tournament. Before the game, you will be asked to assign the teams and then the controllers to the respective side.

When the game is over, you can enter the result in the screen and complete the round.

For the next round, you can now start a new classic game in arcade mode and reassign the controllers to the respective sides.

Both the players and the co-players receive the same number of points and penalty points for each round. It is therefore worthwhile for the co-players to win the game and play as fairly as possible. The winners receive 3 points each. The losers receive 0 points each. In the event of a draw, all four players receive 1 point each.

Whether and how you choose the clubs is entirely up to you. Either specify all clubs for all players from the beginning, or decide spontaneously during the tournament. There are no limits to what you can do.

You can find a list of all available teams here.

This is not possible as an anonymous user. But you can register on our site and log in. Then you can create your own clubs in the club menu and upload your own logos.

  • None: The tournament is played without clubs. This mode is recommended if you do not want to deal with clubs in the tournament.
  • Player pool: Each player selects his own clubs at the start, which he may use in the tournament. All clubs must be used an equal number of times per player during the tournament.
  • Tournament pool: All players choose a selection of allowed clubs together at the start of the tournament. All clubs must be taken an equal number of times per player during the tournament.
  • Ad Hoc: All players choose a club for each individual game during the tournament.

  • League
  • Knockout
  • Championship

In the league tournament, everyone plays against everyone else, with or without a rematch. In the end, the team with the most points wins.

In knockout, the losers are eliminated after each round. Can also be played with or without a rematch. In the end, the last player standing wins.

Championship is a mix of league and knockout. In the first group phase, everyone plays against everyone else in their group. The best players from each group progress to the knockout phase. In the end, the last player standing wins.